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ROTFM 7th July 2021, 18:00 h
180xp each
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ROTFM 22nd July 2021, 19:00 h
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Rime of the Frost Maiden

7th July 2021, 18:00 h

Results 180xp each

The weather outside was more gentle than usual outside of the Shield Maiden’s Tavern, located just out of the town of Bremen.

Lydia, the owner, was moving about as usual and just as cheerfully as normal as she tossed wood into the fire pit to keep her clients warm and at ease.

Oneironaut sat carefully warming their cold blooded scales whilst conversing with hesitance and carefulness to the others meandering about. A cleric by youthful training and a lizard folk traversing the cold and dreadful spine of the world.

Kalashtar sits nearby, initiating conversation with those that choose to chat. A druid with a concern for the odd cycles of weather that seem to have been hijacked from Mother Nature.

A creak at the door and a blast of wind enters shivering cold air break through the warmth of the tavern as a pale faced and white haired rogue takes snowy steps forward. The ice on her boots crackle and start to melt upon the wooden floor. She looks about staring at those within as Lydia Snowkraken greets her, “Fine frozen evening is it not? How may I help you dear?”

Tamra responds and makes her way forward to the fire, sitting amongst the others.

Word has gotten out that a job hiring event would be taking place this evening and so many are gathering. Yes, those that venture to the north must have a survivors skill set, but still money is needed for those things that the unforgiving and endless winter are unable to provide.

Lydia looks again as another patron enters her establishment. Their standing at just beyond the door is a figure difficult to see. “I beg you to come in dear! Too much cold is entering!” Lydia yells out in a friendly manner.

As Kyuketsuki enters, Lydia loses her breath for she just now sees the dry blood smeared down the chin of her new patron. Lydia worries that this vampire might cause her trouble. She feels comfort by the weight of her sword, heavy on her back and treats Kyuketsuki with her famed motherly charm. There’s s one moment though where by Kyuketsuki draws a blade and Lydia reaches for the handle over her shoulder and a stand off occurs.

Moments later an even stranger stranger enters the establishment. A many armed creature with a helmet bowl enters. The deep sea diving helmet is filled with slightly cloudy water and the creature cares about with curious it’s and a naivety of a child. it sit with the others and immediately begins to ask bizarre questions that most would call common knowledge.

When its drink arrives, it spills the contents upon itself as the mug clashes against its helm. Kalashtar offers up an suggestion, “Perhaps you should pour the warm mead into your helmet so you can taste its flavor?”

Bjorn, a local fix it man and scavenger of goodwill, chats up the tavern dwellers and offered up some game. Kalashtar recommends a game but in the end it is Tamra that wins out.

A terrifying howl comes from outside even stopping the old bard, whom is deaf, from playing his tacky tunes.

Lydia screams out “Oh my lord, that obnoxious roar from out there! The damned creatures of the north what is happening to them. It’s as if they have lost all bearings! No longer able to be animals with instincts but more like a zombified version. It will be at it all evening I reckon! It may even attract others!”

“What is that shrieks like so!?” Kalashtar asks full of concern.

“It’s a mongrel like sabre tooth. The beasts have been acting different and out of their nature!”

Yough, the many armed humonoid, stampers towards the small windows and peers out to see, but the darkness obscures the view.

“A sabre tooth looks like this…” Kalashtar quickly (performance check) sketches a stick figure with two large fangs hanging from its circle head and triangle ears.

“Doesn’t look too dangerous to me”, Yough responds.

“Well come on ladies, we can’t let this kitty cat ruin our night! Woman up and grab your weapons!” Lydia screams out infuriated. She beckons the others to follow and kicks over her coffee table into the fire pit, beers and all.

Yough, watching her draw her sword from over her shoulder and stepping forth in rage, grabs an unbroken mug from the floor and smashes it upon the ground in agreeance.

They go forth to battle this snow demon, and come upon two!

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